Community Projects

How to submit and manage community projects


This tutorial assumes you already know the following:

  1. Logging in to CommonSpot


The public is able to submit local sustainability-related community projects. We use these projects as examples and inspiration for the tools in the toolkit.

This tutorial goes over the admin section, used to manage the submitted projects.

How to Get to the Admin Section

  1. Log in to CommonSpot.
  2. Open the toolbars by clicking on the pencil icon, then View Page in CommonSpot
  3. Click on Tools in the gray toolbar, then select Internal Applications.
    Internal Applications Menu
  4. Click on the link for Sustainability.

Adding a Community Project

Sustainability administrators can add projects without going through the approval process.

  1. Choose Add a Community Project from the left navigation.
  2. Fill out the project details. 
  3. You have the opportunity to mark it as approved if you want it to go on the website right away.
  4. Click Submit Your Project to create it.

Review Pending Community Projects

When the public submits a community project, the project status is set to pending. This means it doesn't show up on the website and it's waiting for someone on the sustainability team to review it. 

These projects show up on the sustainability admin homepage.

Pending projects

Here you can either:

  1. Click Edit to approve, reject, or update the project's information.
  2. Click Delete to remove the project forever.

Approving, Rejecting, and Editing

After you click Edit, read over the project and make sure everything looks okay. 

If something needs changing, do that before approving the project.

Edit community project

Here you can:

  1. Approve the project (which makes it show up on the public website)
  2. Reject the project (which moves the project to the rejected list and does not show it on the public website)
  3. Edit the basic info
  4. Add or remove photos
  5. Add or remove sustainability project categories
  6. Add or remove project scale

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