Inserting Elements

Inserting things like images, text blocks, videos, etc in CommonSpot


This tutorial assumes you already know the following:

Step 1: Choose a Location

  1. Make sure you are in Work on This Page mode (either My Changes or All Changes).
  2. Choose the container that you want the Formatted Text Block element to be in.
  3. Click Insert new element at the bottom of the container.

    Insert an Element in CommonSpot

Step 2: Choose an Element

  1. Elements are broken down into different sections.
  2. Click on the appropriate section, then click on an element from the list.
    • For example, if you need a Text Block, that would be under the Text section.

Step 3: Define the Element

After inserting the element, it needs to be defined.

Define your element

  1. Click on the link that says Define [your element]." Above is an example of the Formatted Text Block element.
  2. Fill out the fields presented to you, and click Save.

Useful Elements

Here's a list of some commonly-used elements.

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