Tent and Temporary Structure Policies for Special Events
Requirements for permitting all tents, temporary stages, platforms, reviewing stands, bleachers and event structures for special events.
This outlines the requirements for obtaining permits for temporary stages, platforms, tents, bleachers, and other event structures used for performances, presentations, or events. The stages and platforms covered by this policy are outside permanent buildings and are standalone structures raised off the ground. They can be used for things like worship, music performances, plays, speeches, sports demonstrations, boxing or wrestling rings, theater setups, or viewing stands for VIPs, among other things. The specific purpose and installation period of these structures need to be approved by the Building Official.
Types of Tents Requiring Permits
Tents requiring permits
- Tents greater than 800 sq. feet in total area, including multiple tents attached to each other with an aggregate area greater than 800 sq. feet.
- All tents, regardless of size, that affect, cover or obstruct any portion of the required means of egress from any building.
- Tents operated 2 ½ days or more by a non-for-profit organization and operated on private ground owned by and adjacent to said organization's facilities.
Tents not requiring permits
- Tents less than 800 sq. ft. that do not affect, cover or obstruct any portion of a required means of egress from any building.
- Tents operated 2 ½ days or less by a non-for-profit organization and operated on private ground owned by and adjacent to said organization’s facilities.
- Tents for private family events that are erected on the same lot with the residence.
Tent Policies
- Tents shall not be erected prior to obtaining a tent permit.
- Tents shall not be operated or occupied prior to inspection and formal approval by the Fire Safety Unit inspector.
- A site plan is required to be submitted with the application, showing the location of the tent(s) in relation to the property lines and building(s). The plan shall also show the means of egress (exits) and the exit path(s) to the street, alley or public way for the tent and for any building affected by the tent. Exit signs, emergency lights, doors and any HVAC for the tent shall be shown on the plans.
- The erection and maintenance of tents on the same lot shall not exceed a total of 180 days unless a waiver is granted by the Building Code Official.
- A notarized letter from the owner is required if the tent is to be located on property not owned by the applicant.
- Formal approval will be issued in the form of:
- a Certificate of Inspection signed and dated by the Fire Safety Unit inspector and
- an Occupancy Load Placard indicating the maximum number of persons allowed in the tent.
- Both documents shall be posted in a conspicuous, protected location.
- Tents must be placed on grass so they can be staked. Tents cannot be placed on pavement.
- Site must be cleared of debris, refuse and weeds within 50' of tent.
- A Board of Public Service permit is required if tent is to be located on City of St. Louis owned property. (314) 622-4627.
Exits, Seating and Accessibility
Number and size of exits to the exterior of the tent:
- >50 persons: one exit, a minimum of 36" wide.
- 50 to 499 persons: minimum of two exits are required; each a minimum of 72" wide
- 500 to 999 persons: three exits are required; each a minimum of 72" wide
- 1,000< persons: contact the Fire Safety Unit inspector.
- For tents requiring two or more exits, the location of two of the exits shall be separated by a distance of at least ½ the total diagonal measurement of the tent.
- The maximum travel distance to the nearest exit is 150 feet.
- All exits shall discharge at a street, alley or public way. If any portion of a required exit from a building is covered by a tent, additional requirements may apply.
Exit Access
- Exits and exit access aisles shall not be obstructed.
- Exiting shall not require the use of any special knowledge or effort.
- Tent "flaps" covering the exit opening shall not be secured, fastened, locked or tied closed.
- Tent exit doors may be used upon approval of the Code Official; these doors shall be indicated on the application plan, are required to swing in the direction of egress (exit) travel and will require approved panic hardware, except for occupancies less than 50 persons.
Exit Signs and Emergency Lights
- Minimum of one emergency light and one exit sign at each exit (except for tents with an occupant load less than 50 and certain family event tents).
- An electrical permit may be required; contact the Electrical Section.
- No more than 11 seats per row.
- Chairs must be bound together in groups of three or more.
- Aisles a minimum of 60" wide shall be provided on both sides of all rows and in the front and rear of the seating area(s).
ADA Requirements
- Accessibility to tents for people with disabilities shall be maintained at all times.
- An unobstructed route within and into the tent shall be provided continuously during the use of the tent.
- For additional information, contact the Office on the Disabled.
Tent Safety Precautions
Fire Extinguisher
- an approved and serviced ABC type fire extinguisher shall be readily visible and accessible within 100 feet of any point inside the tent.
Tent Construction
- Tents shall be constructed and supported to withstand a wind speed of 90 miles per hour.
- Tent fabric and decorative material shall be flame resistant/self-extinguishing in accordance with the Tents walls shall be a minimum of four feet from interior lot lines.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the tent is being operated and maintained in a safe manner in accordance with the permit requirements, including not exceeding the occupant load.
Fire Safety
- No open flames of any kind are allowed in the tent.
- Lighting, audio and visual systems to be powered by electricity only; permit required.
- No hay, straw or similar combustible material allowed in or near tent.
- Failure to operate and maintain the tent in accordance with the permit requirements may result in immediate closure, revocation of the "Certificate of Inspection", fines and / or other legal actions by the City of St. Louis.
A minimum of one staff person shall be on site at all times while open to the public to monitor conditions and address concerns that the public, Police, Fire Safety Unit, Fire Marshal, Fire Department or other authorities may have.
The use of propane requires a separate permit from the Fire Marshal's office.
Tent Electrical Wiring
The installation of lights, equipment, receptacles, and any other items used in the service of your event must conform to the City of St. Louis' Electrical Ordinance 65020. This ordinance states that all installations of wiring or equipment must be done by a Licensed Electrical Contractor. This contractor must hold a license with the City of St. Louis. The wiring methods used shall conform to the National Electrical Code, Articles 525, 590, 445, and 250.
Items the City's Electrical Inspectors review when called by the contractor for their inspection:
- When flexible cords are used, they shall be listed for extra hard usage.
- When used outdoors, they shall be listed for wet locations and sunlight resistant.
- Where not subject to physical damage, the cords shall be permitted to be of the hard usage type.
- Flexible cords or cables accessible to the public shall be arranged to minimize the tripping hazard and shall be permitted to be covered with a non-conductive matting, provided the matting does not create a greater tripping hazard than the cords or cables.
- Electrical wiring for lighting, where installed inside a tent, shall be provided with mechanical protection.
- Lamps for general illumination shall be protected from accidental breakage by a suitable fixture or lampholder with a guard.
- Receptacles shall be GFCI protected.
- Receptacles in damp or wet locations shall be suitable for those locations.
- Egress lighting shall not be protected by a GFCI.
- Decorative lighting used shall be listed and installed for no more than 90 days.
Temporary Stage, Platform, Reviewing Stands, Bleacher, And Event Structures
Indoor stages and platforms shall be covered by the IBC, IEBC and IFC. Stages, platforms, reviewing stands, bleachers and event structures in the public right-of-way are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Service and the Street Department. It is suggested that the application process begin at least three (3) months prior to the event, especially for first time events. All performance and public areas shall be accessible and must comply with the latest edition of ICC A 117 .1 (ANSI) and IBC Chapter 11.
Structures Exempt From Permit
- Stages or platforms that have no overhead structure, side or back towers (for lights, equipment, sound system or promotional material), are open to the sky, intended for use by performers and presenters only, have raised area thirty inches or less above adjacent grade plain, and have a raised area of 1,000 square feet or less, do not require a building permit. If a stage includes a backdrop and/or a roof structure that supports lighting, murals, backdrop, or speakers, you must get a building permit regardless of the height of the stage.
- Mobile hydraulic stages (MHS) and mobile trailer stages only require documentation of insurance coverage and proof of inspection within the previous 24 months. Rigging and generators that are not part of the MHS or mobile trailer stage are required to obtain appropriate permits.
Permit Requirements
- A letter of request to the Building Official, signed by the representative of the organization that will utilize the temporary outdoor stage. The letter of request shall specify the intended schedule for the:
- erection period
- installation period, and
- strike period
- Two (2) sets of erection plans, which include:
- site plan showing location of stage or platform and adjoining structures and all electrical cords and generators
- floor plan showing total area / height above adjacent grade
- exiting plan showing egress path, emergency lighting and exit signage
- occupant load based on occupancy
- cross section details of connections including ballast or anchorage methods
- details of stair and/or ramp construction, including handrail and guardrail details. (Ramps may be required at all raised platforms and stages.
- A structural analysis (including lateral stability and soil bearing capacity that meets the requirements of Chapter 16 of the IBC) sealed, signed and dated by a Missouri Licensed Professional Engineer
Additional Policies
The erection plan and structural analysis may be required to be inspected by a competent, independent, qualified third (3rd) party inspection agency employing Missouri licensed Design Professionals.
A separate electrical permit is required for the electrical wiring,
Building and fire inspections are required after the stage, platform, bleacher, special event structure and/or electrical are installed. The manufacturer's installation guideline shall be available for the building inspector at the job site during the inspection.
The temporary stage or platform must be completely removed from the property at the end of the strike period.
A building permit shall not be issued until the plans have been reviewed and approved.