Liquor Sales and Service Policies for Special Events
Policies for liquor sales and service at public events, for nonprofits and businesses with existing liquor licenses.
The sale of liquor, wine or spirits is common for most special events in the City. Generally sales of liquor, wine or spirits are handled by either a nonprofit organization or a liquor license holder wishing to sell off premise.
As the event organizer, you are responsible for making sure all of your alcohol vendors obtain the necessary permits to be compliant with state and local liquor laws. Traditionally, each vendor needs a catering permit or a picnic license, which can only be obtained once you receive your special event permit.
Not For Profit License Procedure
For a Not for Profit the following steps need to be taken in order to receive their Picnic Liquor License.
- You must complete a Picnic License application at the Excise Division Office and said application must be presented in person and signed in the presence of an employee of the Excise division.
- There is a fee of $25 per booth to be licensed per sale area.
- You will also need a letter from the organization appointing a managing officer for the license
- You will need to have the dates, time & location of the event specified, a photo of the managing officer (not an ID), proof of voter registration of the managing officer, a paid personal property tax receipt or waiver of the managing officer
- Federal ID number of the not for profit organization, a copy of the organization's Federal 501c3 letter from the IRS, a copy of the organization's Missouri state tax exemption letter, and a copy of the organization's Missouri certificate of No Tax Due
- Permission letter from the venue where the event is going to be held
- Copy of the street department permit if street is to be closed in conjunction with event
- Copy of the park permit if the event is in a city park
- Copy of Board of Public Service permit (if the event is in a city building)
- Fire Marshal approval (if applicable)
- Copy of Occupancy Permit, if event is in a building.
- Applicant will also need to obtain a state picnic liquor license from the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco.
Liquor License Holders' Procedure
- Completed caterer's permit application form must be signed by the owner, (any) partner or managing officer for the corporation or LLC.
- Check or money order for $15 per Caterer's Permit, per catered area, per day. If an event goes past midnight, it will count as an additional day.
- Copies are .25 cent per copy (optional)
- Letter from property owner giving licensee permission to use their location, including description of the catered area, with date and time of the event.
- If the licensee is outside of the City of St. Louis, a copy of your local municipality license and a copy of Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco license is required.
- Copy of Missouri Certificate of No Tax Due
- If the event is on a Sunday, a copy of your municipality license and a copy of State Sunday license is needed.
- Licensee must pick up this permit in person. Please allow 10 days for processing.
- Contact the Building Division at (314) 622-3313 to see if you need an Occupancy Permit.
- Applicant must also obtain a Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Caterer's Permit:
7545 S. Lindbergh, Suite 150
St. Louis, MO 63125-9843
Phone: (314) 416-6280
Fax: (314) 416-6286
Vendor Information
Event organizers must submit to the Special Events Office a list of all food and alcohol vendors that will be at the event. Include the following information per vendor:
- Business Name
- Business Address
- Federal ID #
- Not for Profit - 501c3 number
- What they will be selling
All vendors selling food must get a Temporary Health Food Permit. It must be displayed in their booth.
Any event with alcohol requires security from a provider licensed in the City of St. Louis.