Requirements for All Special Event Permits

Events open to the public that utilize public property (streets/parks) require special event permits. All special events must meet these requirements.


We are pleased that you have chosen the City of St. Louis as the site for your event, and we want to help make your event a success.

Events that are located on public property and have ONE OR MORE of the following elements must complete the special event permitting process. 

  • Food
  • Liquor
  • Street Closures
  • Tents
  • Staging
  • Generators

Trash/Recycling Collection

The City of St. Louis Refuse Division requires trash collection and recycling at events. You must retain the services of a private hauling company to collect waste. The Refuse Division provides the following list:

Waste companies that can provide services for special events
Company Phone
Progressive Waste, aka I.E.S.I. 314-291-0887
American Eagle 314-762-6556
Waste Management 314-269-0718
Aspen Waste 314-890-9100
Meridian Waste 314-598-2961
Republic Services, aka Allied Waste 314-744-8128

Toilets and Hand Washing Policies

Refuse disposal and maintenance should be provided in quantity, quality, and frequency so as to:

  • Prevent the overflow of refuse
  • Prevent the accumulation of refuse outside of containers designated for refuse collection, especially in hand-washing and/or toilet facilities
  • Prevent the attraction and/or allow intrusion of domestic animals, wildlife, pests, and/or rodents
  • Prevent the nuisance of odors
  • Provide for safe handling against hazardous substances and/or transmission of diseases.


Hand-washing stations and toilets should be accessible to adults, children, and persons with disabilities.

Hand Washing

  • Proper hand-washing facilities must be provided at all special events.
  • Hand sanitizer may be provided as supplement, but not in lieu of proper hand-washing facilities.
  • Proper hand-washing includes the use of running water at sufficient volume and pressure to remove soil (preferably hot water) and soap (preferably liquid soap dispensed by hand or foot pump) where both hands are free to rub together, create a lather, and rinse, followed with drying with paper/disposable towels. If hot water is not provided, a soap which emulsifies easily in cold water should be provided.


Hand-washing stations should be located near toilet facilities, food preparation areas, and food consumption areas.


Hand-washing facilities should include routine cleaning and restocking to ensure an adequate supply of paper towels and soap

Effective supplemental hand sanitizer, if also provided, should be alcohol based and contain at least 60% alcohol.


  • Toilets must be secured so as to prevent tipping.
  • Toilets must be serviced (including pump-out) at least once every 24 hours during an event. Additional servicing may be required when needed. Servicing shall be conducted as to provide clean toilet facilities throughout the event.
  • Separate Toilet facilities will be provided for medical personnel.
  • Separate Toilet facilities will be provided for food & beverage handlers.


  • Near hand-washing facilities
  • Away from food preparation, service, storage, and consumption areas
  • In a well-lit location
  • In an area which is vehicle accessible (required for servicing/pump-out)

Calculating the Number of Toilets and Hand-Washing Facilities

This is based on event duration, expected attendance, expected attendance gender type, and whether or not alcohol will be provided. (In most cases gender should be assumed as 50/50 unless event is otherwise intended.)

For events lasting longer than 8 hours:

Toilet/Hand Washing Facility Numbers if Alcohol Provided
Attendance Toilet Facilities Hand-washing Stations
Below 1,000 10 2
For Each Additional 1,000 4 2
Toilet/Hand Washing Facility Numbers if Alcohol Not Provided
Attendance Toilet Facilities Hand-washing Stations
Below 1,000 6 2
For Each Additional 1,000 3 2

If the event is expected to have a significantly higher ratio of women in attendance, more toilet and hand-washing facilities should be provided

If the event is expected to last for less than 8 hours, toilet facilities may be reduced by 75%.


During the life of the special event permit, you will need to maintain General Liability Insurance naming the City of St. Louis as additional insured, in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). You must provide proof of liability before receiving a special event permit.

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