Parks Policies for Special Events

Policies for holding public events in City parks.


As a service to the public, the City of St. Louis Department of Parks and Recreation will cooperate with groups and organization desiring to use city parks or portions of city parks for special events. The park area being used for your event is subject to the following conditions and/or rules and regulations.

Regulations are also available in PDF format.

Fees, Deposits and Insurance

Rental Fee

Rental fees are non-refundable.

Security Deposit

A security deposit will be required for all special events held in city parks and will be held to insure that all conditions of this permit are followed. The amount will vary depending on crowd size and type of event. The security deposit will be forfeited in the event of damage to park property, missing or damaged park equipment, failure to leave the park in a clean condition, and/or failure to comply with the conditions of this permit.

All trash generated as a result of the event must be bagged and removed from the park. The permittee will be billed for any damage and/or excessive cleanup required not covered by the security deposit. The security deposit will be returned automatically to the original payment method. It takes approximately 4-6 weeks after the event to process the security deposit.

Certificate of Insurance

An insurance certificate of property damage in the amount of $1,000,000 and personal liability insurance in the amount of not less than $200,000 for injury to one person and not less than $500,000 to two or more persons in each accident is required. The following wording must appear on the certificate: "The City of St. Louis and its employees, agents, and assigns acting within the scope and course of their employment are additional insured."

Diagrams and Maps

A diagram of the event layout must be submitted with the request form if tents, booths, portable restrooms, or other equipment will be used. Walk/run/or bike ride routes are pre-determined. A new map of the route is required each year that a walk/run or bike ride takes place.

Park Landscaping, Grass and Paths

Vehicles are not allowed on the grassy areas of the park due to potential damage to the turf and/or irrigation systems (where applicable). In the event vehicles of greater weight must enter the grass area, plywood must be used. This means sufficient quantities need to be on site accompanied by the appropriate number of personnel to move it.

Vehicles are not to be driven on sidewalk areas of the park. 

The event organizer will be responsible for hiring a landscaping company and/or plumbing company to repair any and all damage to the turf or irrigation system caused as a result of their event.

Events requiring the use of paths and/or streets in city parks are not granted exclusive use of the path/street. The paths are available for continuous use by the public, and if the activity or any participants in the activity block or in any way obstruct the paths, this permit may be revoked and any future permit privileges jeopardized. Path courtesy rules apply to all participants in the event, and they should be made aware of these rules.

World's Fair Pavilion

If the World’s Fair Pavilion is being used, an inspection prior to and after the event will take place by the Park Rangers. The permittee or a representative is required to be present for both inspections. The Park Ranger will make the inspection at the beginning and ending times listed on the permit. If the event is over prior to the ending time, the permittee must contact the Park Ranger Station at 314-289-5300, and he will report to the pavilion. 

Special attention will be given to the restroom areas and catering kitchen when the post inspection is made to insure that damage has not occurred and the building has been left clean. If problems arise and you need assistance from the Parks Department, please call the Park Ranger Station.


Music, sound checks or other amplification are not allowed on weekdays at downtown parks and plazas except between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and/or after 5:00 p.m. Fountains at downtown parks and plazas cannot be turned off for events. Fountains at Kiener Plaza operate 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. No sound checks and/or amplified sound should take place prior to 8:00 a.m.

All amplified sound must be at a level so as not to disturb the peace, quiet, comfort or repose of neighboring inhabitants and/or park users and must conform to Ordinance 67002.

Equipment and Signage

Equipment Rented From Parks

The contact person will be required to meet the crew for the placement of equipment. If we are unable to reach the contact person for placement, the equipment will not be delivered.

Equipment is not scheduled until rental fees are paid and a confirmation is received from the Park Division regarding item availability. The Parks Division reserves the right to adjust the number of items requested based on availability and demand. The contact person will be notified if adjustments are made.

Any person or organization renting City equipment will be held responsible for repairing or replacing damaged and/or stolen equipment from the date it is delivered to the date it is picked up.

The Large Bandwagon/Stage must be on pavement. A generator is not included with the Bandwagon. Tents must be placed on grass so they can be staked. Tents cannot be placed on pavement. View additional tent policies.

Permittee's Equipment

Any equipment needed in conjunction with an event at a city park should be rented from a private source. The city has limited resources with regard to equipment. Equipment must be delivered and picked up the same day as the event unless setup or cleanup days have been reserved.

Storage of equipment/materials at parks is not permitted.


The event organizer is responsible for removing all signs hung or posted in the park immediately following the event. If you are marking a route through the Park for a walk, run or bike ride, the materials used must be something that can be removed immediately following the walk. No paint or chalk is allowed on the streets, sidewalks, or the bike path.

Downtown Events

Tents are not permitted at downtown plazas if they require anchoring into the turf. Tents must be self-standing. Cold air inflatables are NOT allowed.

The City of St. Louis has contracts with vendors to sell food and beverages at the downtown plazas. These vendors are authorized to be present during your event. You are, however, permitted to use your own vendors or caterers at downtown plazas to provide food, beverages, liquor, etc., provided that all necessary permits/licenses are obtained.

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