Office of Special Events

Information about what you need to do in order to apply for a Special Event Permit, submit events to the city calendar, and other helpful information involving event planning.

Email (314) 589-6640 More contact info


Great things happen in the City of St. Louis every day! The Office of Special Events staff are ready to assist you if you're planning a major event in the City that will involve the services of several City departments.  

Find information on how to apply for a Special Event Permit for your event, such as a parade, Street Runs and Walks, Cycling Races and Rides, Festival and Street Fairs, and Outdoor Concerts.

Permits and Services

Apply for a Commercial Loading Zone Permit
A Commercial Loading Zone Permit allows businesses to convert metered parking spots into zones for loading and unloading commercial vehicles.

Apply for a Special Event Permit
Outlines the process to apply for a permit to hold a small or large event in the City of St. Louis, such as a Street Fair, Outdoor Concert, Parade, Run and/or Walk, Cycling Race, or Ride.

Apply for a Temporary Outdoor Seating Permit
Process for restaurants and bars to temporarily expand or introduce outdoor seating while taking prudent precautions to reduce the exposure to, and slow the spread of, COVID-19

Submit A Community Event to the Event Calendar
Add your community or neighborhood event to the City's Event Calendar.

NOTE: At this time the City Hall Rotunda is not available for rental.

Events Around Town

Plan Event in a City Park

If you are planning an event in a City park, call the Parks Office at (314) 289-5344 to learn if the date and time is available at that location.

Plan Event on Archgrounds

If you are planning an event on the grounds of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, call the National Park Service, Park Permits Office, (314) 655-1613.

Places to Visit, Things to Do

Explore St. Louis

36 Hours in St. Louis, New York Times Travel Section

Contact Information


Phone: (314) 589-6640

8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday

1200 Market Street , Room 416 City Hall
St. Louis, Missouri 63103

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