Ordinance 71840

Establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund

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An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund to protect tenants in St. Louis City who are forced to relocate from their rental unit due to condemnation for occupancy due to the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental unit in conformance with code requirements; and reappropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”) and previously appropriated by Ordinance 71393 to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund; directing the funds collected from the enforcement of Building Code violations to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund annually and appropriating such funds for a program of distribution to eligible tenants; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.


Legislative History

Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 12/08/2023

    First Reading

    Bill text was introduced (1.39 MB PDF).

  • 12/08/2023

    Referred to a Committee

    The bill was assigned to the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee.

  • 03/26/2024

    Committee Hearing

    The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee hearing.

  • 03/29/2024

    Second Reading

  • 04/05/2024


    The bill was passed.

  • 04/15/2024


    The bill was engrossed during the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.

  • 04/15/2024

    Third Reading

    The bill was passed.

  • 04/15/2024

    Delivered to Mayor

  • 05/01/2024

    Mayor Returns Bill

    The bill was returned without a signature.

  • 05/01/2024

    Delivered to Register

  • 05/22/2024

    Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number

    Register returns ordinance number 71840. Effective date is 05/06/2024


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