Ordinances by Topic Temporary Housing

Ordinances tagged with this topic

List all 2 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71844 Amending the 2018 International Fire Code
This ordinance is to amend the 2018 International Fire Code to incorporate and implement best practices for periodic Fire Damper and Smoke Damper inspections. The 2018 IFC’s scope, definitions, and purposes remain intact.
71840 Establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund to protect tenants in St. Louis City who are forced to relocate from their rental unit due to condemnation for occupancy due to the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental unit in conformance with code requirements; and reappropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”) and previously appropriated by Ordinance 71393 to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund; directing the funds collected from the enforcement of Building Code violations to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund annually and appropriating such funds for a program of distribution to eligible tenants; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.

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