Ordinances by Topic Relocation

Ordinances tagged with this topic

List all 3 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71840 Establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund to protect tenants in St. Louis City who are forced to relocate from their rental unit due to condemnation for occupancy due to the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental unit in conformance with code requirements; and reappropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”) and previously appropriated by Ordinance 71393 to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund; directing the funds collected from the enforcement of Building Code violations to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund annually and appropriating such funds for a program of distribution to eligible tenants; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
70238 Closing Wabada near Union
BOARD BILL NO. 284 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS An Ordinance directing the Director of Streets to temporarily close, barricade, or otherwise impede the flow of traffic on Wabada Avenue 75 feet east of the west curb line from Union Boulevard and containing an emergency clause.
70237 Grand Center Chapter 353 Blighting
BOARD BILL NO. 235 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DECLARING THAT THERE EXISTS IN THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, A CERTAIN BLIGHTED AREA AS DEFINED IN SECTION 353.020, REVISED STATUTES OF MISSOURI, 2000, AND SECTION 11.06.010 AND 11.06.020 OF THE REVISED CODE OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI; THAT THE REDEVELOPMENT OF SUCH AREA IS NECESSARY AND IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST UNDER CHAPTER 353 OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF MISSOURI, 2000, AND UNDER CHAPTER 11.06 OF THE REVISED CODE OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, AND IS IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, SAID BLIGHTED AREA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A tract of land in Block 1061 of the City of St. Louis, beginning at the Intersection of the East line of Grand Boulevard, with the South line of Samuel Shepard Drive (formerly Lucas Avenue); thence East along the South line of Samuel Shepard Drive, a distance of 315.06 feet to an angle point in said South line; thence continuing East along the South line of Samuel Shepard Drive (formerly Lucas Avenue) a distance of 108.22 feet to the Northwest corner of property conveyed to Robert and Natalie Duggan by deed recorded in Book 07102008 page 16 of the City of St. Louis Records; thence South along the West line of said Duggan property a distance of 142.56 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence East along the South line of said Duggan property a distance of 50 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence North along the East line of said Duggan property a distance of 142.56 feet to the South line of Samuel Shepard Drive (formerly Lucas Avenue); thence East along the South line of Samuel Shepard Drive (formerly Lucas Avenue) a distance of 60 feet to the West line of Theresa Avenue; thence South along the West line of Theresa Avenue a distance of 274.34 feet more or less to the North line of Washington Boulevard; thence West along the North line of Washington Boulevard a distance of 325 feet more or less to the East line of property conveyed to Third Baptist Church by deed recorded March 3, 1973 daily number 102; thence North along the East line of said Third Baptist Church property a distance of 160 feet more or less to the Northeast corner thereof and to the South line of property conveyed to TLG 634 N Grand LLC, by deed recorded in Book 12042013 page 219 of the City of St. Louis Records; thence West along the South line of said TLG 634 N Grand LLC a distance of 245 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of said TLG 634 N Grand LLC property and to the East line of Grand Boulevard; thence North along the East line of Grand Boulevard a distance of 129 feet 4 inches to the point of beginning.

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