Highlights of the System
Highlights of the Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis.
All regular employees of the City of St. Louis and participating Employers, whose job is at least half-time annually, become members of the Retirement System upon employment.
Income for Life After Retirement
Benefits are paid monthly as long as the retiree lives.
In Addition to Social Security
Retirement benefits paid by the System plus Social Security will be the total retirement income from employment with an Employer of the System.
Income Based on Earnings and Service
Retirement benefits are determined using final average compensation and years of service.
Retirement Age
Retirement with full benefits is at age 65 or when age and years of service total 85. Early retirement with reduced benefits is also available.
Benefits for Disability
Benefits may be payable following total and permanent disability.
Income for Spouse or Beneficiary
At the time of retirement, a reduced pension may be elected which will be continued to the spouse or beneficiary following the retiree's death.
Survivor Benefits
A spouse may qualify for benefits following a member's death.
Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)
Benefits are available to members eligible for retirement who wish to continue in active employment.
Paying for Benefits
Employers and earnings on investments fund the full cost of the Retirement System. Members are not required to contribute.