Retirement Eligibility
Information on normal service retirement, early service retirement, rule of 85 retirement, and disability retirement.
NORMAL SERVICE RETIREMENT is the first day of any month following a member's 65th birthday. The length of creditable service, the amount of final average compensation and the amount of the benefit compensation base will determine the amount of the retirement pension.
EARLY SERVICE RETIREMENT is age 60 with at least 5 years of creditable service, age 55 with at least 20 years of creditable service, or any age with at least 30 years of creditable service. A member may defer his or her full benefit to age 65 or take a reduced benefit before age 65. If the member begins the pension before age 65, the benefit will be reduced by 4% for each year prior to the normal service retirement date.
RULE OF 85 RETIREMENT is a special early retirement benefit without the usual reduction if a member's age plus creditable service at time of termination equals or exceeds 85. The pension is computed in the same manner as normal service retirement.
DISABILITY RETIREMENT is available if a member has 5 years of creditable service and is totally disabled as determined by the Medical Board. Total disability is defined as being wholly preventive from engaging in any occupation for wage or profit. The disability pension is computed in the same manner as normal service retirement.