Department Website Readiness Checklist

What needs to happen before your department is ready to go live.

Here are some basic tasks that need to be completed before your department's website is ready to go live.

  1. Organization Contact Element filled out. Learn how.
  2. Profile elements for each person who needs to be contacted from the website. Learn how.
  3. All folders (subsites) created.
    1. Contact the web team to create/delete/rename folders.
  4. All index pages (default subsite page) for each subsite created. Learn how.
  5. All pages created. Learn how.
  6. All page content submitted. Learn how.
  7. All page content up-to-date.
  8. Left navigation for the site is finalized.
  9. Page and Title naming conventions are consistent with each other and style guide.
    1. Page name is lower case, separated by "-" when using compound words.
    2. Title of pages are descriptive and can stand alone when appearing outside of the department section.
  10. External links are registered.
  11. Site content reviewed and approved by web team.
    1. Accessible
    2. Follows standards & site rules
    3. Easy to navigate
    4. Easy to read
    5. Pages tagged correctly
  12. Site content reviewed and approved by dept authority.
  13. After it is finalized, create an outline for your finished section.

View Departments Readiness Review Schedule

Readiness Steps 

  1. Department readiness review with appointing authority
  2. Finalization of of left navigation
  3. Schedule one-on-one with web team for final coaching to have get site ready

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