Department Website Readiness Review Schedule
Website Readiness Review Schedule with appointing authorities, directors, and contributors.
Meetings schedule to give each department a chance to review their website and be confident it represents effectively the department, its services, and functions when the new City Website goes live.Dates & Times
Email Sonya Pelli or call 314 622-3400 x258 to schedule your department or office.
Scheduled departments and offices
Time |
Mon 11/15/10 |
Tues 11/16/10 |
Wed 11/17/10 |
Thurs 11/18/10 |
Fri 11/19/10 |
Mon 11/22/10 |
9:00 AM | Room N/A |
Supply, Freddie Dunlap |
SLATE, Michael Holmes |
10:00 AM | Human Services, Bill Siedhoff |
11:00 AM | Comptroller, John Farrell |
N/A | BPS, Rich Bradley, TBC | |||
2:00 PM | CDA, Jill Claybour |
Public Safety, Charles Bryson |
Treasurer, Will Hanses |
Mayor, Kara Bowlin |
3:00 PM | PDA, Don Roe |
Public Safety, Charles Bryson | SLDC, Rodney Crim |
1015 Locust, Suite 1200, St. Louis, MO 631010
Projector and computer will be available.
Feedback is anonymous.