CSB API Documentation
Citizen Service Bureau API methods, using the Open311 spec
The Citizens' Service Bureau (CSB) is the customer service department for the City of St. Louis. This API provides access to some of the data collected when services are requested.
Please request an API key to use this API.
Open311 GeoReport Spec
This API uses the Open311 GeoReport v2 specs, with the exception of the POST method. This means that applications are unable to post requests to our system, just pull information out.
See the Open311 GeoReport v2 wiki page for details on each method.
See below for differences between our service and the Open311 spec.
Note that we allow for a maximum of 1000 records to be returned at one time, however currently response time for requests of this size is quite slow.
If you will be working with large sets of data, we recommend downloading all service requests by year from our data portal.
Making API Calls
Format your URLs like this: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/powernap/stlouis/api.cfm/requests/32346.xml?api_key=MTM0NDQ0NTI1N
- Jurisdiction IDs are not required.
- Always use "https" with your URLs.
Supported Formats
We support XML, JSON, and HTML.
Changes From Open311 Spec
Coordinate System
The x/y coordinates in this API are using the Web Mercator system (WKID 3857).
GET Service List
This method has the following extra two response fields:
We have multiple levels of service types, and this provides the level for the current service type definition. The top level is 1.PARENT_SERVICE_CODE
This provides the ID for the current service type's parent, if any. Top level service types have aPARENT_SERVICE_CODE
of 0.
GET Service Definition
Many of our service requests prompt for answers based on previous answers provided. This is not possible to represent using the Open311 spec, so in this case we just provide the first level of questions.
GET Service Requests
We return canceled requests.
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