LRA Property Search and Purchasing Resources
The Land Reutilization Authority owns vacant structures and makes them available to buy for rehabilitation. Search the land bank and learn how purchasing works.
What We Do
St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) facilitates real estate development throughout the City of St. Louis. It is the goal of SLDC to bring all City property into productive and effective use using a variety of tools and resources.
Agency properties are acquired in the name of:
- Land Reutilization Authority (LRA)
- Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (LCRA)
- Planned Industrial Expansion Authority (PIEA)
LRA has the authority to manage, maintain, market and sell agency-owned vacant and abandoned buildings and property through the Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 92, Section 92.875.
For information and general questions on purchasing agency owned properties, call (314) 657-3721.
Upcoming Events
These events are coming up soon. You can also View past meetings
Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025
Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting via ZOOM
Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority |
Meeting |
3:00 PM
Planned Industrial Expansion Authority Board Meeting Via ZOOM
Planned Industrial Expansion Authority |
Meeting |
3:00 PM
Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025
LRA Regular Board Meeting
Land Reutilization Authority |
Meeting |
9:00 AM
Notice of Funding
The (preparation) (funding) of this project report, map, document, etc., (is) (was) financed (in part) (wholly) through a grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Community development Administration under the provision of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Pub L, 93-383 42 USC 5301 et seq.) and/or HOME Title II of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended (Public Law 101-625).
Gatewood Gardens Cemetery
Gatewood Gardens Cemetery was acquired by the City of St. Louis Land Reutilization Authority (LRA) in 1996 and the LRA maintains the land and the records of the cemetery. Burials are for those families who already own lots. The cemetery is located at 7133 Gravois Ave, St. Louis, MO 63116.
LRA Property Search and Purchasing Resources Menu
Contact Information
(314) 657-3721
(314) 613-7011
8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
External Website:
1520 Market St., Suite 2000
St. Louis, Missouri 63103