Bevo Mill Neighborhood

Bevo Mill general boundaries are defined as Chippewa St. on the North, southward to the Missouri Pacific Railroad on the East, westward to Bates St., southward to Leona St., westward to Holly Hills Blvd. on the South, northward to Carlsbad Ave., westward to Rosa Ave., northward to Christy Blvd. on the West, northward on S. Kingshighway Blvd. to Chippewa St.


Originally a Native American trail to a salt spring, Gravois was the public road to Fenton and its ferry. By 1914, the state-maintained portion outside the city became the first concrete highway.

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Useful Contacts


Neighborhood Improvement Specialists

Citizens' Service Bureau

Bevo Mill Maps

Downloadable Maps

Bevo Mill Neighborhood Map

Parks in Bevo Mill

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