Neighborhoods of the City of St. Louis

Neighborhood profiles for all of the City's 79 neighborhoods

A City of Neighborhoods

St. Louis has 79 different neighborhoods, each with its own distinctive style and characteristics. Many of these neighborhoods have very active community organizations and associations. Some are on the rebound, while others have remained stable for decades, and still others are striving for renewal. 

A variety of sources for information about neighborhoods exist, both on and off this website. None of these sources include everything there is to know about a neighborhood, but by putting together information from each of these sources, one may get a sense of the incredible variety of lifestyles available in the diverse neighborhoods of the City of St. Louis.

Neighborhood Histories

Neighborhood Maps

Download Maps

The Planning and Urban Design Agency offers free printable PDF maps for each neighborhood.

All City Neighborhoods

If the neighborhood you are looking for is not included in the list of neighborhoods above, you may want to check Municipalities in St. Louis County.


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