LIFT Mentoring Program

Through the LIFT Mentoring system an individual is surrounded by relationships/opportunities that they would have no normal access to. Each individual is raised up by a series of healthy decisions on their part to continue to move forward towards flourishing.

Program Overview

LIFT is a mentoring program offered by LOVEtheLOU that uses healthy relationships as an engine to drive hositic life revitalization. The program serves youth and is based on 8 pillars of growth: education, career, community, grit, inner growth/outward focus, integrity, respect and gratitude, and future orientation. Each pillar involves a team of individuals inserting themselves through mentorship to strengthen these present and future domains of a youth member's lived experience.

The program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

The program is operated by LOVEtheLOU:

Program Eligibility

The program serves youth aged 12-25 who are residents of the City of St. Louis.

Program Contact Information

For more information about the LIFT Mentoring Program, please contact LOVEtheLOU by emailing

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