Life Outside Violence (LOV)

Life Outside Violence's mission is to decrease incidences of retaliation, criminal involvement, re-injury and death.

Program Overview

The Life Outside Violence (LOV) program offered by Washington University – St. Louis provides services to patients who have sustained injuries from community violence, particularly those harmed by stabbings, gunshots, or blunt assaults.

Through LOV, participants are provided with counseling, social, and case‐based services. The program promotes and enables holistic healing, while aiming to decrease the incidence of retaliation, reinjury, and death among violently injured program participants.

The program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

The Life Outside Violence (LOV) program is operated by Washington University - St. Louis Institute of Public Health:

Program Eligibility

Residents of the City of St. Louis between the ages of 8 and 30 who have been the victim of a stabbing, gunshot, or blunt assault.

Residents with the following injuries will not be eligible:

  • Injuries related to intimate partner violence.
  • Intentional (self-inflicted) firearm related injuries.

Program Contact Information

Individuals can reach one of LOV's community outreach representatives via the 24/7 phone line at (314) 327-6697 or emailing at


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