Beyond Jobs

The Beyond Jobs program provides individuals with resources needed to achieve sustainable employment, live healthy lifestyles, and create positive life changes.

Program Overview

Mission St. Louis' Beyond Jobs bridges professional relationships between life coaches and individuals seeking to set goals and optimize resources tailored towards self-sufficiency. Training courses related to job readiness and life skills are offered, along with accessibility to a variety of employment opportunities. Individuals enrolled in the program can also take advantage of the wrap-around supportive services related to transportation assistance, childcare resources, and professional clothing for interviews and job placement.

The program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

The program is operated by Mission St. Louis:

Program Eligibility

Services provided by Beyond Jobs are available to any person over the age of 18, that is committed to personal and professional growth, and has a desire to attain, sustain, and grow within the job force.

Program Contact Information

The Beyond Jobs program services are available Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Services are provided at Mission St. Louis: 3108 N Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63107. Individuals seeking information or services can call: 314-534-1188.

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