Citizens' Service Bureau (CSB)

The Citizens' Service Bureau's (CSB) purpose is to effectively and efficiently register and route city service requests, answer citizen requests for information, and provide City departments with statistics as needed.

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Service Request 1405265

Graffiti on private property at 2035 SHENANDOAH AVE submitted on 10/23/2020

(314) 622-4800 More contact info

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Status: Closed on 11/19/2020

Dept Investigation Completed On: 11/19/2020



Service Request (SR) ID: 1405265

Location: 2035 SHENANDOAH AVE

Request Initiated: 10/23/2020

Problem Type: Graffiti on private property


Dept To Receive SR: Operation Brightside

Dept Response Due By: 11/06/2020

Resolution: For detailed information, please contact the Citizens' Service Bureau.


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