Service Request 1782039

Inspect for violation of zoning code (including open storage) at 1634 TOWER GROVE AVE submitted on 12/26/2023

New Search


Status: Closed on 01/08/2024

Dept Investigation Completed On: 01/08/2024

Resolution: Issued notice of violation

Actions Taken


  • 01/08/2024 13:59:34
    Inspection follow-up scheduled on or around 3/8/2024


Resolution: Issued notice of violation

Details: Upon inspection of this property, one or more violations of City property maintenance codes was discovered. The owner of the property has been issued a notice of violation of these codes, and has been given a deadline to bring the property into compliance.



Service Request (SR) ID: 1782039

Location: 1634 TOWER GROVE AVE

Request Initiated: 12/26/2023

Problem Type: Inspect for violation of zoning code (including open storage)


Dept To Receive SR: Building Division

Dept Response Due By: 12/29/2023

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