Reporting Nuisance Behavior at Establishments Selling Alcoholic Beverages

Guidelines to assist residents who may wish to report an issue with an establishment that sells alcohol within the City.

All residents are entitled to the free safe enjoyment of public spaces. In many neighborhoods, restaurants and other establishments that sell alcohol operate without incident. However, in circumstances in which behavior becomes problematic, the Excise Division and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department will work closely together to enforce local ordinances and state law. The following guidelines are meant to assist residents who may wish to report an issue with an establishment that sells alcohol within the City of St. Louis.

  1. In the event of violence or an imminent emergency that threatens public safety, residents are encouraged to call 911. The required resources will be dispatched to address the incident. The public should expect to see emergency personnel in this circumstance.
  2. If the event constitutes alleged nuisance behavior (see ordinance 71819 for laws governing behavior of licensed establishments), for example the establishment is too loud or has too many individuals on premise, a resident should call the non-emergency line at 314-231-1212 and state clearly that “This is a nuisance property” and provide the address as well as additional specifics. Please be sure to leave a call back number if you are willing to provide more information.

    Residents may also choose to call their neighborhood improvement specialist, alderperson, or the Excise Division ( directly; however, please note that calling 911 or the non-emergency line are the essential first stop to documenting alleged nuisance behavior. Calling either of these numbers results in a documented call for service that initiates investigation. The Problem Properties team meets regularly to address alleged offenses and remedies.
  3. Residents wishing to share information on an alleged nuisance property selling alcohol are encouraged to take timestamped photos and/ or provide additional evidence to support the claim of nuisance behavior. This information can be shared by calling the non-emergency line 314-231-1212 or by directly emailing the Excise Division at
  4. The Excise Division must notify the license holder of all instances in which substantiated nuisance behavior results in a citation for an Excise code violation or other legal infraction at the premises to which the license is applicable and it must maintain a record of all Excise code violations or other legal infractions at or relating to the premises which are the subject of the applicable license.
  5. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is responsible for citing an individual when there is probable cause to believe that a crime has occurred. An individual in violation of City ordinances regarding liquor may also be subject to state or federal charges. Officers must have probable cause in order to give a citation or to arrest an individual. Local Liquor Control Officers are not police officers and do not have the power of arrest.
  6. It is a violation for a licensee, his agents, servant or employees not to cooperate with the Excise Division agents, law enforcement authorities and the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Agents during the course of any investigation of a violation of any law, regulation or order. The Excise Commissioner may impose an administrative fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per violation, revoke, cancel and/or suspend the license of the licensee, or any combination thereof.

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