Small Business Liquor License Information

Information about the provisional process to obtain a restaurant/bar, microbrewery, brewpub, and/or taproom brewery liquor license


As of October 16, 2024, under Ordinance 71819, a restaurant/bar, microbrewery, brewpub, and/or taproom brewery can apply for a liquor license through a temporary license process. This streamlined process allows these types of establishments to acquire a temporary license and prove that they are able to operate responsibly in their neighborhood without going through the typical plat petition process.

The City is working to migrate many of its systems, including online payments. Once that process is complete, a greater portion of this process will be electronic and fewer visits to City Hall will be necessary.

In 2023, there were 132 new liquor license applications and 1,036 renewals. This puts the City of St. Louis roughly on par with Kansas City, which received 138 applications last year.

View step by step instructions and apply.

Establishment Types


A restaurant/bar is defined as any establishment having a restaurant or similar facility on the premises where at least fifty percent of the gross income is derived from the sale of prepared meals or food consumed on the premises or which has an annual gross income of at least $200,000.00 from the sale of prepared meals or food consumed on such premises.


  • The licensee must submit a Food and Liquor verification statement signed by the licensee showing an annual gross income of at least two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) from the sale of prepared meals or food consumed on such premises.
  • A licensee of a restaurant/bar may sell intoxicating liquor between the hours of 9:00 a.m. on Sunday and midnight on Sunday by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises of any restaurant/bar or on the premises of any establishment and/or having at least 40 rooms for overnight accommodations of transient guests.
  • No restaurant/bar shall sell alcohol beyond midnight.
  • Food must be available for consumption at all times when alcohol is served.
  • The maximum square footage of any restaurant/bar as provided in this provision shall be four thousand (4,000) square feet.

Convenience stores, motor fuel pumping stations, package liquor stores, or any establishment that operates in whole or in part as a nightclub, shall not be granted a license as a restaurant/bar. In the event that an establishment licensed as a restaurant/bar starts functioning in whole or in part as a nightclub, the Excise Commissioner shall immediately revoke that restaurant/bar liquor license.


A microbrewery is a business whose primary activity is the brewing and selling of beer, with an annual production of ten thousand barrels or less. 

Taproom Brewery

A taproom brewery is a licensed establishment that sells 25% or more of its beer on-site and does not operate significant food services. The beer is brewed primarily for sale in the taproom. 


A brewpub is a licensed establishment that sells 25% or more of its beer on-site and operates significant food services.

Food Sales Grace Period

There is a grace period for a newly licensed restaurant bar to accomplish the required ratios and gross income required. This is a six-month period at the outset and it is subject to extension for good cause shown at the direction of the Commissioner.

About Ordinance 71819

Ordinance 71819 streamlines the application process and improves enforcement.


  • This legislation only changes the process for restaurant/bars, microbreweries, taprooms, and brewpubs. 
  • Applicants are able to apply for a full license using the plat petition process. However, if an applicant elects not to do the plat petition process, they can apply for a temporary license upon approval of the Excise Commissioner after a public hearing. The temporary license lasts for 90 days and the applicant is able to apply for one 90-day extension.
  • As the temporary license expires, the applicant is eligible for a full license if they are in good standing. They will apply for this full license by having another public hearing before the Excise Commissioner.  


  • This Ordinance permits the Excise Commissioner to temporarily suspend a license for 48-72 hours. 
  • The Excise Commissioner will publicly post final determinations on nuisance properties and take into account complaints registered through the Citizens Service Bureau.  
  • If a liquor license is revoked, it is revoked for a year. The applicant will then have to reapply.
  • If an entity operates an establishment without a license, they are not eligible to apply for a license for three years.
  • Decisions will have due process and may be appealed to the Circuit Court. 

Reason for Update

The process for restaurants and bars to obtain a liquor license in the City of St. Louis is lengthy, especially in comparison to local jurisdictions. In St. Louis, the process from start to finish includes signature gathering and verification. This puts a significant burden on owners to collect and verification can create additional delays. Thus the Jones administration sought to update the process to get a liquor license

The following issues are pain points in the process:

  • Petition signature gathering does not create authentic community engagement. 
  • Following up with plat petition residents at their doors often results in discriminatory behavior toward Black and Brown petitioners. 
  • Wait times for liquor licenses strain restaurants and limit their ability to open and survive.
  • The process is costly, often requiring legal counsel to successfully navigate. 
  • Inaccurate petition lists create confusion and make it difficult for businesses to complete the process.

Public Input

This process allows for public input either through a plat petition or multiple hearings before the Excise Commissioner. Neighbors will also see publicly posted signs in their neighborhood, and the hearing notice will be posted online. Those within the plat area will receive mailed notification of the hearings. Moreover, the public can initiate a protest petition and cause a review and revocation of a liquor license.

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