City Tree Canopy Expansion Program
Via an Inflation Reduction Act grant, The City of St Louis Forestry Division is working to expand its tree canopy in underserved areas.
The City of St Louis Forestry Division is working to expand its tree canopy in underserved areas. Funding for this project is provided by the Inflation Reduction Act and the USDA Forest Service, Urban and Community Forestry Program. The City will work within the grant guidelines to increase access to the health, climate, and economic benefits of trees in our community. By engaging residents and local partners, the City will be able to support the long-term care of trees and develop a diverse and prepared workforce.
The City will hire local contractors to plant 3,200 trees, prune over 20,000 trees, and remove over 1,600 dead or dying hazard trees in underserved communities. We can then establish a more equitable distribution of trees.
Tree Planting
The City of St Louis Forestry Division and its partners will renew its tree canopy by planting 3,200 new trees as it removes hazard trees. Trees will be planted on City property in easements in front of houses and businesses over the next two years, starting in September 2024. An easement is the grassy area between the sidewalk and the street. Forestry will then prioritize a three year schedule of tree maintenance in order to ensure the survival of the trees. This schedule includes mulching and regular watering.
Removals and Pruning
As part of the IRA grant, the City of St Louis Forestry Division will be hiring contractors to prune or remove hazard trees in our community. Our goal is to prune over 20,000 trees, and remove over 1,600 dead or dying trees in the next five years. The City will prioritize removing or pruning hazard trees. This will improve the long term health of the trees and help promote safety in our communities.
Report a problem with a City tree
Climate and Economic Justice
City of St Louis Forestry will be working in accordance with the IRA grant guidelines to promote a healthy tree canopy in underserved communities. As such, we will be working in areas that fall within the boundaries outlined by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST). The CEJST map can be found here.
- Forest Releaf, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to planting trees across Missouri. They will be planting trees across St. Louis over the next two years.
- TRC Outdoor, a landscaping contractor service that will be promoting the long term health and longevity of the trees through mulching and regular watering.
- Michael’s Tree and Loader Service and Monster Tree Service, tree service contractors that will be helping to prune and remove hazard trees in cooperation with the City of St Louis Forestry. Their efforts help to make our City safer and more beautiful.
The City of St Louis is an equal opportunity provider.