Rules and Instructions for Online Virtual Court

This page contains instructions for joining your assigned WebEx virtual court session and the rules of conduct for virtual court.

Join Your WebEx Court Session

Via Computer or Smartphone

You must have the WebEx meeting app installed on your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone to join your session. You can download the WebEx meeting app at:

After installation, open the app to join your session and choose to "Join a Meeting." You will be prompted to enter meeting information. If you received a notice or summons that you were assigned to a virtual court session, enter the URL link or meeting room number for your virtual courtroom that you were provided with your notice or summons. It may be easier to use the meeting room number if you are joining from a smartphone.

If you requested a virtual court session online or on the phone, click on the link you were given by e-mail when the court confirmed your registration and invited you to your virtual court session. The e-mail also provides a meeting number which may be used to join the session. View a complete list of URL links and meeting room numbers for all of our virtual courtrooms.

After installation, click the green button that says “Join.” You will be prompted to choose whether to use your computer or device for audio. You may use one of the numbers provided below if you will use your phone for audio. After you make your audio selection, you will be prompted to Join the session. Make sure that you have joined the session at or before the time given in your invitation. Please do not be late.

Via Telephone

Call either 1-408-418-9388 or 1-312-535-8110 (this may be a toll call depending on your long distance plan). The voice message will instruct you to enter an access code or meeting number. Enter the meeting room number for your assigned courtroom and press # (pound). If the voice message then asks for an attendee number just press # again. You will enter the session with audio only.

Review Your Rights in Municipal Court

You should review your rights in Municipal Court before you attend you virtual court session.

Submitting Documentation

If you have documentation to submit which will help your case (e.g. insurance, driver’s license, registration) it must be submitted before your court date at least a week before your session. This will give us time to place it in your file.

The documentation must include your name and date of birth and can be send by postal mail or by email/text.

Mail the documentation to:

St Louis Municipal Court
1520 Market
St. Louis, MO 63103


e-mail/text a picture of the documentation to

Access to the City Counselor During the Session

The judge in your virtual court session may suggest or offer you the opportunity to speak to the City Counselor about your case(s). The City Counselor is the prosecutor for the St. Louis City Municipal Court. You may also ask the judge for the opportunity to discuss your case(s) with the City Counselor, if you wish to do so. You do not give up any of your rights in Municipal Court by speaking with the City Counselor about your case(s).

Virtual Session Rules

Please note, these virtual court sessions are for non-trial matters only! If you wish a video trial special arrangements will have to be made.

  1. The attorney/defendant must be in an office or room with proper lighting. There should not be any distractions (noise or other things) occurring in the background.
  2. The attorney/defendant must be dressed as if they are appearing in the courtroom in person.
  3. The attorney/defendant must have their camera on when addressing the court.
  4. The attorney/defendant must mute their microphone when not speaking.
  5. The attorney/defendant will be allowed to speak only when prompted by the court.
  6. The attorney/defendant should ask to sign off before signing off to make sure they do not have any other cases to call or issues to resolve.
  7. The attorney is responsible for a client’s behavior while participating. An attorney’s client will not be allowed to speak unless prompted by the court.
  8. When your name/case is called by the judge, please use the Raise My Hand feature of WebEx. If you click on the list of participants, and hover over your name, you will see the icon to raise your hand. This will allow the judge to recognize you to speak.
  9. If a party’s Internet connection is poor and the court is unable to view, hear or understand an attorney or defendant, the court will remove the case from the online virtual docket and send the defendant a notice of an in person hearing.

What if I don't have a device or phone to attend my Virtual Court session?

If you don't have access to a computer, laptop, smartphone, or phone to enable you to attend your virtual session via WebEx:

  1. call the Court at (314) 622-3231 before your court date
  2. ask the Court to provide you with an alternate means of attending your virtual session.

Remember that you can attend your session with audio on your phone even if you don't have Internet access on your phone if you follow the instructions provided above.

If you have not made alternate arrangements with the Court in advance, you are expected to attend your session via WebEx as scheduled.

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