St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, Department of Health to Join 77th District Greater Ville Jobs and Community Resource Fair

On July 23, SLATE, the Department of Health and more will join the Greater Ville Jobs and Community Resource Fair at Farragut Elementary School.

July 19, 2021 | 2 min reading time

This article is 3 years old. It was published on July 19, 2021.

On Friday, July 23, the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE), the City of St. Louis Department of Health and more will join the 77th District Greater Ville Jobs and Community Resource Fair in the Farragut Elementary School Yard, 4025 Sullivan Avenue, from 5pm to 7pm. The event will feature representatives from 60 employers, more than 160 resource tables and include various supportive and wrap-around City services including vaccination against COVID-19. The fair will be hosted by Representative Kimberly-Ann Collins (HD-77).

“Good jobs and better opportunities will strengthen communities across St. Louis,” said SLATE Executive Director Howard Hayes. “I’m thankful to Representative Collins for hosting this fair in the Greater Ville and for all of our City agencies collaborating to connect residents to resources they need, especially the opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19.”

The Jobs & Resource Fair will also include vaccination opportunities for residents to get educated and protected from COVID-19. The St. Louis Department of Health has stressed that vaccination remains the best way to stop the spread of the virus, including the Delta variant. Pfizer (12+ years old) and Johnson & Johnson (18+ years old) vaccines will be available. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a legal parent or guardian present and documentation showing proof of age.

“I have been a resident of the Greater Ville Neighborhood for all 28 years of my life and I also graduated from Farragut elementary,” said Representative Kimberly-Ann Collins (HD-77). “To now represent this neighborhood on a state level, I am committed to investing in people and getting residents the resources they need to thrive and live a healthy life. I am committed 365 days of the year.”

St. Louis is looking to hire for more than 100 vacant City positions. All positions start at $15 an hour and offer competitive benefits.

  • Contact Information:
    Nick Dunne
    Public Information Officer
    Office Phone: (314) 622-4072
  • Department:
    Department of Health
    St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment
    Office of the Mayor
  • Topic:

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