City of St. Louis Launching OneStopGov, New Digital Portal for Interactions With the City
The site currently features online special events permitting that will streamline the permitting process for event organizers.
Today, the City of St. Louis launched OneStopGov, a new digital portal for interactions with the City, and a significant step in the City’s digital transformation.
Residents can now access OneStopGov at The site, created with the help of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, currently features online special events permitting that will streamline the permitting process for event organizers. In line with Mayor Tishaura O. Jones’ commitment to making interactions with the City smoother for residents and businesses, the City intends to continue to grow the number of processes that can be completed through OneStopGov.
“Filling out paper forms and going to City Hall can be a long and sometimes frustrating process, taking away time from more important things for residents, businesses, and the City,” said Mayor Jones. “ I am committed to modernizing City services, and this is a great step forward for making interactions with the City more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly.”
Until now, special event organizers had to download fillable PDFs, email them to city staff, and visit several offices in person to make payments by check or money order. This antiquated process was once disjointed, time-consuming, and inefficient for residents and businesses to navigate.
With OneStopGov, users will enjoy:
- 24/7 online access to the permitting platform
- A more streamlined application process
- Automatic routing to relevant City departments
- Digital payment capabilities
- Email notifications of status updates
- Ability to save and resume applications
At launch, the online platform will specifically serve event organizers, allowing them to apply for all permits for their event in a streamlined workflow. Future phases will include integrating opportunities for food and liquor vendors.
For those who do not have easy access to a computer or prefer to apply for permits in person, please call 314-589-6640 and make an appointment to come to City Hall.
Contact Information:
Rasmus Jorgensen
Deputy Director of Communications -
Office of the Mayor
Office of Special Events
Local Government Services
Permits, Inspections, and Certifications