Multiple St. Louis City Agencies Secure Former St. Alexius Hospital

Agencies under the Department of Public Safety came together for a joint enforcement operation to secure the privately owned facility

May 24, 2024 | 2 min reading time

This morning, multiple St. Louis City agencies under the Department of Public Safety came together for a joint enforcement operation at St. Alexius Hospital - Jefferson Campus to clear and secure the privately owned facility, which has become a significant safety concern for the surrounding neighborhoods.

“The City of St. Louis continues to listen to our residents and take decisive action on long-standing problem properties,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “I’m thankful for the coordinated effort of multiple city agencies to make our neighborhoods safer and hold property owners accountable.”

Alderwoman Alisha Sonnier (Ward 7) was on-site during the operation.

“To the residents of Gravois Park, I want you all to know that I hear you and see you. The coordination around this morning’s action was because of your persistence, and no neighborhood in our City should be plagued with this degree of neglect as you all have,” said Sonnier. “Thank you for your resiliency and patience as I continue to work with the Administration and City Departments to address the concerns you have experienced for years.”

The City has been in contact with the property owners for several months, demanding that they take the necessary steps to properly secure their building. Given the owners’ continued failure to do this, today’s actions have been in the works for several weeks. After securing the facility, city officials and personnel met with the property owners to continue to push them for increased security measures, and the owners agreed to several of the measures.

“The former St. Alexius hospital campus has made these neighborhoods less safe for too long,” said Buildings Commissioner Ed Ware. “When private property owners fail to act, it is our job to step in and ensure the safety and security of the residents of St. Louis City.”

Public Safety agencies involved in the coordinated effort included the St. Louis Fire Department, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department,and the Buildings Division. The Department of Human Services had representatives on-site as well.

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