REJIS Account in FY 2025

Expenditures under account REJIS (566069) for the 2025 fiscal year


Total budget for FY 2025.
Total Expended
17% expended of total programmed funds
Total amount expended in FY 2025.


All expenditures made under account REJIS (566069) for the 2025 fiscal year.

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Browse Expenditures

Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center under account REJIS (566069) in FY 2025
Cost Center Title Budget Expended % Expended
650000 Police Department $2,066,000 $306,503 15%
316000 City Courts $210,000 $79,576 38%
633000 City Justice Center $250,000 $29,624 12%
311000 Circuit Court $117,979 $24,217 21%
315000 Sheriff $100,165 $16,756 17%
312000 Circuit Attorney $75,000 $13,115 17%
312003 Circuit Attorney Child Support Unit $16,000 $9,728 61%
127000 Information Technology Services Agency $70,000 $9,180 13%
320000 Juvenile Court $38,423 $9,153 24%
139000 City Counselor $63,000 $2,937 5%
180000 Assessor Operating Account $2,841 $364 13%
622000 Neighborhood Stabilization $4,000 $358 9%
162000 Municipal Garage $250 $30 12%
312008 Circuit Attorney Public Safety Tax $10,000 $0 0%
635000 Civilian Oversight Board $10,000 $0 0%

Totals by Supplier

Expenditures by supplier under account REJIS (566069) in FY 2025
Number Name Total Expended
108056 REJIS COMMISSION $495,860.11

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund under account REJIS (566069) in FY 2025
Fund Title Budget Expended % Expended
1000 General Fund $3,004,817 $491,449 16%
1111 Budgeted Special Fund $16,000 $9,728 61%
1115 Assessor $2,841 $364 13%
1121 Public Safety Sales Tax II Fund $10,000 $0 0%

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