Computer Equipment Account in FY 2025

Expenditures under account Computer Equipment (540000) for the 2025 fiscal year


Total budget for FY 2025.
Total Expended
17% expended of total programmed funds
Total amount expended in FY 2025.


All expenditures made under account Computer Equipment (540000) for the 2025 fiscal year.

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Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center under account Computer Equipment (540000) in FY 2025
Cost Center Title Budget Expended % Expended
650000 Police Department $324,471 $83,362 26%
900000 President Board of Public Services $8,000 $3,759 47%
635000 Civilian Oversight Board $7,000 $894 13%
910000 Equipment Services Division $55,000 $246 0%
903000 Facilities Management Division $2,000 $0 0%
700001 Director of Health and Hospitals Use Tax $12,700 $0 0%
700002 Health Care Trust $5,000 $0 0%
711000 Communicable Disease Control $4,000 $0 0%
800001 Homeless Services $23,628 $0 0%
123000 Department of Personnel $3,000 $0 0%
141000 Planning and Urban Design Agency $8,000 $0 0%
141001 Planning and Urban Design Economic Dev Tax $19,500 $0 0%
160001 St Louis Gateway Transportation Center Operations $5,000 $0 0%
311000 Circuit Court $6,500 $0 0%
315000 Sheriff $10,000 $0 0%
320000 Juvenile Court $2,800 $0 0%
401000 Communications Division $7,100 $0 0%
610000 Director of Public Safety $2,600 $0 0%
616000 Excise Division $5,000 $0 0%
620000 Building Division $3,000 $0 0%
622000 Neighborhood Stabilization $10,800 $0 0%

Totals by Supplier

Expenditures by supplier under account Computer Equipment (540000) in FY 2025
Number Name Total Expended
102486 DELL MARKETING, L.P. % DELL USA L.P. $17,773.50
102487 DELL TECHNOLOGIES $70,241.60

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund under account Computer Equipment (540000) in FY 2025
Fund Title Budget Expended % Expended
1000 General Fund $450,887 $88,261 20%
1002 Communications $7,100 $0 0%
1110 Use Tax $45,328 $0 0%
1111 Budgeted Special Fund $5,000 $0 0%
1120 Economic Devolopment Sales Tax $19,500 $0 0%

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