Address & Property Search
Your search for 4969 ST LOUIS AV
Basic Info
Primary address | 4969 ST LOUIS AV ST LOUIS MO 63115 |
Parcel ID | 5260-9-450.000 |
Collector of Revenue account | 5260-00-04500 |
Neighborhood | 55 - Kingsway East |
Ward/Precinct | Ward 12, Precinct 8 |
Property Class | COMMERCIAL |
Tax Abatement | This property is not abated |
Property description
Not meant for use in recorded legal documents |
C. B. 5260 ST LOUIS AVE, 75 FT / 76 FT 6 3/4 IN, X 127 FT 6 IN, BIRGE PLACE ADDN, LOT 2-3 E-1 |
Parcel Map
Parcel information, streets, and strategic land use planning (SLUP) information.
Zoning Map
Zoning for this parcel: F. Neighborhood Commercial
A. Single Family Residential
B. Two Family Residential
C. Multi Family Residential
D. Multi Family Residential
E. Multi Family Residential
F. Neighborhood Commercial
G. Local Commercial
H. Area Commercial
I. Central Business
J. Industrial
K. Unrestricted
L. Jeffersion National Memorial
Right of Way Map
Measurements, easements, vacated ordinances, blocks, lots, subdivisions, etc.
Plat Maps
Plat maps provide information about parcels of property for tax purposes. They can be helpful in answering property boundary questions. The historic plat maps provided serve as archival records and are not updated.
Real Estate and Property Information
Data provided by Assessor's Office
Property Information
Owner mailing address: | 3647 RIDGEDALE AV ST LOUIS, MO 63121 |
Property address | 4969 ST LOUIS AV ST LOUIS MO 63115 |
Alternate address |
Zip code | 63115 |
Parcel ID | 5260-9-450.000 |
Collector of Revenue account | 5260-00-04500 |
Year built | N/A |
Parcel Information
Condominium | No |
Number of units | n/a |
Frontage | 0.00 feet |
Land area | 9662.00 |
Property description
Not meant for use in recorded legal documents |
C. B. 5260 ST LOUIS AVE, 75 FT / 76 FT 6 3/4 IN, X 127 FT 6 IN, BIRGE PLACE ADDN, LOT 2-3 E-1 |
Land Use Information
Property use | Commercial |
Property class | COMMERCIAL |
Zoning | F - Neighborhood Commercial |
Within 1/2 mile of planned Green Line stations | No |
Redevelopment code | N/A |
Vacant lot | No |
Deed records: | Search Recorder of Deeds data |
Appraised Value
Please note that this parcel is tax abated under both Missouri Statue and City of St. Louis ordinance. Under the terms of the abatement, the assessment does NOT have a direct correlation to market value for the duration of the abatement. As an abated parcel, the Assessor does not determine an estimate of market value for biennial reassessment. The market value shown is merely the assessed value divided by the appropriate assessment ratio.
BackThe assessed value reflects the parcel/property as it existed on January 1 of the appropriate assessment year. Any changes made to the parcel/property after January 1st will be reflected after the next reassessment of the property.
Assessment Information
Current 2024 Assessed Values
Commercial Land | $5,800.00 |
Commercial improvements | $3,000.00 |
Assessed total | $8,800.00 |
Appraised total | $27,711.00 |
Prior 2023 Assessed Values
Commercial Land | $5,800.00 |
Commercial improvements | $3,000.00 |
Assessed total | $8,800.00 |
Appraised total | $27,711.00 |
Sales History
Sales date | Sales Price | Transaction Type |
12/11/1989 | $65,000.00 | Valid |
Real Estate Tax Summary
Data provided by Collector of Revenue
Collector of Revenue Account Number: 5260-00-04500
Tax Year | Total Original Tax | Total Balance | Action |
2024 | $880.97 | $933.83 | Pay Balance |
2023 | $844.75 | $0.00 | Print Receipt |
2022 | $871.73 | $0.00 | Print Receipt |
For Total Amount Due please contact the Collector of Revenue Office (314) 622-4108 or Fax (314) 589-6731
The information on this site is updated weekly, and may not show the most current balance. Please note that due to statutory regulations and some time-sensitive cases, not all accounts can be paid using the online payment system. We apologize for this inconvenience. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Real-Estate department at (314) 622-4106.
Building Permit Records
Owner Name | Permit Type | Application Date | Completion Date | Issued Date | New Use | Estimated Costs | Description |
AUDACITY ENTERPRISES LLC | Electrical | 12/01/2020 | 12/01/2020 | $500.00 | ST. LOUIS AVE | ||
Electrical | 01/28/2000 | 01/28/2000 | $1,000.00 | FEE WAIVED TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ ST. |
Data provided by Building Permits Section
Boundaries and Geography
Geographic Boundaries
City block number | 5260.00 |
Neighborhood | 55 - Kingsway East |
Ward/Precinct | Ward 12, Precinct 8 |
Census tract | 1067.00 |
Census block | 4003 |
Assessment neighborhood | C301 |
Housing conservation dist. |
Your Address is in Housing Conservation District Number 65. (What Are the Requirements for Housing Conservation Districts?) |
Zoning | F - Neighborhood Commercial |
Economic Development Areas
TIF district number | No |
Enterprise Zone | No |
HUBZone | Yes (More Info) |
HUD qualifying census tract (2022) | Yes (More Info) |
Community needs grant | Yes (See Ordinance 71504) |
Midtown redevelopment | No |
Special business district | No |
Trash and Maintenance
Service notice:
Trash collection schedule change. Roll Cart Trash ...
Alley recycling has resumed as normal. Learn more.
Data provided by Streets Department
Refuse Schedule
Roll Out Carts
Showing regular schedules below. View Holiday Schedule.
Trash: Tuesday
Recycling: Friday
Yard waste: Wednesday
Yard Waste collection is discontinued in the middle of December and resumes in the middle of March.
Large bulk items: Week of the 1st Monday of the month
Alley Dumpsters
Trash: At least once per week
Recycling: At least once per week (learn more)
Yard waste: Friday
Yard Waste collection is discontinued in the middle of December and resumes in the middle of March.
Large bulk items: Week of the 1st Monday of the month
Street Cleaning Schedule
Route: 26B
Days: First Monday/Last Friday
Times: 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Notes: N/A
Seasonal Cleanup
Forestry Cutting Schedule
This property is not on the cut schedule.
Operation Brightside
OB Region: Region 1 North
Snow Route
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