Historic Tax Credits

The Missouri State and Federal Historic Tax Credit Programs provides an incentive for the redevelopment of commercial and residential historic structures.

Missouri State Historic Tax Credit

  • provides an incentive for the redevelopment of commercial and residential historic structures.


  • A structure must be listed individually on the National Register of Historic Places, be a contributing structure in a National Register historic district, or be located in a local historic district certified by the United States Department of the Interior.
  • Renovation costs must be at least 50% of the total acquisition cost of the property.
  • Plans must be approved by the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office.

Program Benefits

  • Tax credit equal to 25% of the eligible expenses of renovation.
  • Tax credit to offset Missouri income tax liability in the year provided, applicable back 3 years or forward 10 years.
  • Tax credits may be sold or exchanged by eligible applicants.

Applications are available by contacting the Missouri Department of Economic Development.

Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive Program

  • administered by the National Park Service (NPS) in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Missouri's State Historic Preservation Office

Program Benefits

  • 20% investment tax credit to owners of properties listed in the National Register for the certified rehabilitation of income-producing certified historic structures such as commercial, industrial, or rental residential buildings.
  • This credit can be combined with a straight-line depreciation period of 27.5 years for residential property and 31.5 years for nonresidential property for the depreciable basis of the rehabilitated building reduced by the amount of the tax credit claimed.


Missouri Department of Economic Development

(573) 522-8004


External links

Missouri Department of Natural Resources: Program Regulations


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