Office of the Mayor

Mary Dusold Receives 40-Year Service Pin

Mary began her career in the Mayor's Office

May 1, 2021 | 2 min reading time

This article is 4 years old. It was published on May 1, 2021.

Mary Dusold is presented with a 40-year service pin

During the last week of her administration, Mayor Lyda Krewson (r) presented a 40-year service pin to Mary Dusold of the Street Department. On hand for the presentation were Jamie Wilson (l), Director of Streets and Todd Waelterman, Director of Operations.

Mary started her City Service in 1981 as Receptionist to the Mayor under the administration of Mayor Vincent C. Schoemehl, Jr. In 1987, she became a Clerk-Typist II and began doing other clerical duties, working directly for the Mayor.

After 12 rewarding years in the Mayor's Office, Mary transferred to the Street Director's Office in 1993 and for several years was the payroll clerk and, among other things, did the clerical work for the 50/50 Sidewalk Program, during which time she was promoted to Secretary II. In 2011, Mary was promoted to her present position of Executive Secretary II.

Since 2003, Mary has been the secretarial staff for the Director, the Street Commissioner, the Traffic Commissioner, and on occasion, an Administrative Assistant, all at the same time. During these last 18 years, she has been Secretary to four Directors and four Commissioners (although 2 of these also count as Directors) and two Administrative Assistants.

In 28 years with the Street Director's Office, Mary has had many job duties. In addition to her administrative secretarial work, her current duties include those of an office manager, BPS permit liaison, permit clerk for sidewalk cafe and banner permits and, as stated in her job description, "other duties as assigned."

Mary has blessed the City with her 40 years of service and we are truly thankful to her.

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