Carondelet Neighborhood

Carondelet general boundaries are defined as Walsh St. on the North, southward to Virginia Ave. eastward to Eichelberger St., southward to the Mississippi River on the East, westward to E. Nagel Ave., southward to S. Broadway, westward to E. Robert Ave., on the South, northward to Virginia Ave. westward to Robert Ave. southward to Alabama Ave. westward to River City Blvd. to Interstate Highway 55 (I-55) northward to S Grand Ave. eastward to Loughborough Ave. northward to Interstate Highway 55 (I-55) westward to Holly Hills Blvd. northward to S. Grand Blvd on the West to Walsh St.


Carondelet was originally founded in 1767 under the name Louisbourg (commonly called "Vide Poche") by Delore, who settled on a site that is now Elwood Street. Delore was given 6,000 acres by Spain.

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Useful Contacts


Neighborhood Improvement Specialists

Citizens' Service Bureau

Carondelet Maps

Downloadable Maps

Carondelet Neighborhood Map

Parks in Carondelet

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