
As administrator of federal, state and local funds, the City of St. Louis Homeless Services Division provides a comprehensive approach in responding to the diverse needs of homeless individuals and families in the City of St. Louis.

The City of St. Louis' Department of Human Services/Homeless Services Division (HSD) is the lead entity for the St. Louis City Continuum of Care (CoC).  HSD performs several important functions to coordinate services in the CoC that include:

  • Development, coordination, and monitoring of new and existing service programs to meet the needs of the homeless and/or at-risk population.
  • Negotiation of contracts with social service agencies to deliver these services ensuring through monitoring, that these services are not duplicated and that funds are efficiently and effectively utilized.
  • Coordination and direction of the CoC, a consortium of health and human service professionals, advocates, government officials, representatives from nonprofit agencies, and homeless clients from the metropolitan area.  

Through these activities, the Homeless Services Division works to ensure an efficient mechanism for funding the most efficient and effective programs, reducing duplication of services and increasing innovative program design. 

Active RFPs, RFQs, and RFIs

Emergency Solutions Grant Funds Available (FY2024)
Opens: 03/06/2025 | Closes: 04/02/2025 04:00 PM


In need of shelter...

Individuals or families seeking shelter should please contact the following agencies:

Open Data

2019 Point-in-Time (PIT) & Housing Inventory Counts
A point-in-time inventory of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons and beds and units dedicated to serve homeless persons

2018 Point In Time & Housing Inventory Counts
A point-in-time inventory of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons and beds and units dedicated to serve homeless persons

Contact Information

Email: dhs-homeless@stlouis-mo.gov

Phone: (314) 657-1704
St. Louis Housing Help Line: (314) 802-5444
Fax: (314) 612-5939


Social Media:
Follow Homeless Services on X.

1520 Market Street, Room 4062
St. Louis, Missouri 63103

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