Parking Meters Now Accepting Debit and Credit Cards

'No Change, No Problem' Pilot Program Launched in Central West End

May 14, 2013 | 2 min reading time

This article is 11 years old. It was published on May 14, 2013.


On Friday May 10th the St. Louis City Parking Enforcement Officers got to show a lighter side of their job with the launch of the "No Change, No Problem" pilot program. Parking Enforcement Officers were on hand in the Central West End to help motorist learn how to use the 60 new parking meters that accept credit and debit cards. During the event, officers gave away free parking minutes, answered questions, and held a moratorium on parking tickets.

"This was our way of getting the word out about the new meters and have a little fun at the same time," said Tishaura Jones, Treasurer, City of St. Louis. "The "No Change, No Problem" program is a pilot and we want to hear the public's thoughts about the new meters and where we should install them next."

NCNP-web-picAccording to Treasurer Jones, parking rates will not increase and no additional fees will be charged for using credit or debit cards. The new meters will function the same as coin-operated meters – just more conveniently. The public is invited to submit comments and feedback about the new meters on the Treasurer's Office website, Twitter account (@stltreasurer, #stlparkingmeters), and Facebook page (StlTreasurer). Public feedback received during the pilot program will help determine whether or not to invest in additional meters for other areas of the City, and where to install the meters next.

The St. Louis City Treasurer is responsible for managing the city's parking enforcement, including parking meters, lots and garages. Nearly $13 million in revenue is generated each year through city parking facilities.

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    Office of the Treasurer
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