Report Potholes to the Street Division

Please use this page to let the Street Division know about a pothole in major/arterial streets, residential streets, and alleys in the City

Begin online Call 314-622-4800


The Street Division is responsible for the maintenance, upkeep and repair of 1,000 miles of City streets and 600 miles of City alleyways. Unfortunately, potholes are an inevitable side effect of the region's fluctuating temperatures. That’s why each year the City designates crews to patch potholes that are reported by members of the public. If you see a pothole in the City that needs repaired, please let us know!


To begin, make sure you have the exact street address and/or intersection of the pothole that needs to be repaired.

Then, use the “Begin Online” button below to fill out your report. You are also free to call and report the pothole to the Citizens’ Service Bureau at (314) 622-4800.

Begin online Call 314-622-4800

What to Expect

After receiving notification of a pothole, the Citizens’ Service Bureau will submit a detailed service request to the Street Division. A crew will then be dispatched, weather depending, to patch the pothole.

The City aims to repair potholes in a major/arterial street within two business days, potholes in a residential street within seven business days, and potholes in an alley within 16 business days.

Track Progress

Track your request using your request ID.

View pothole repair data and an interactive map to see where City crews have been hard at work.


Additional Information

Please know that interstates, highways, entrance and exit ramps, and some other major roadways in the City are managed and maintained by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). You can report potholes to MoDOT by calling 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636) or reporting online.

The City of St. Louis, including the Street Division, also currently has several job openings. If you’re interested in applying or want more information, check out the available positions.


Citizens' Service Bureau

(314) 622-4800

1520 Market St. Room 4087
St. Louis, MO 63103

Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (excluding City holidays)

Contact the Citizens' Service Bureau

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