Pothole Patching Begins

Street has begun patching the potholes and request citizens to report potholes

January 13, 2014 | 2 min reading time

This article is 10 years old. It was published on January 13, 2014.


Thick, heavy snow followed by a 45-degree swing in temperatures has caused the street pavement to crack, creating many potholes, some of them huge.  So, the City Streets Department is turning its focus from snow plowing to pothole patching. 

The patching material holds better and longer if it is applied when the pavement is dry.  So, the Streets Department began this operation on the morning of Jan 11th. A team of St. Louis Streets workers drove all of the City’s arterial streets and patch the potholes they saw. 

After that, they turned their attention to potholes reported to the Citizens Service Bureau.

We encourage City residents to report potholes to the Citizens' Service Bureau by calling 314.622.4800, tweeting to @stlcsb, or filling out a request for service online.

The goal was to patch the potholes on the arterials by rush hour on Monday. The Streets Department has also set a goal of patching potholes reported to the CSB within 48 hours of getting a request.  

Patching potholes addresses the problem quickly to protect motorists from damage to their cars.  But, these pothole patches are a temporary solution.  Some of them will not hold until Spring, others could pop out even sooner.

  • Department:
    Street Division
  • Topic:

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