20th Street Mobility Improvements Project
The project will reconstruct 1.6 miles of 20th Street between Market Street and St. Louis Avenue and will consist of adding a separated bicycle path. This project will connect to the Brickline Greenway.
The project will reconstruct 1.6 miles of 20th Street between Market Street and St. Louis Avenue and will consist of adding a separated bicycle path. This is providing a critical connection to two different sections of the Brickline Greenway, part of the Great Rivers Greenway (GRG)’s growing network of greenway paths throughout three counties.
About the Project
The project will reconstruct 1.6 miles of 20th Street between Market Street and St. Louis Avenue and will consist of adding a separated bicycle path. This is providing a critical connection to two different sections of the Brickline Greenway, part of the Great Rivers Greenway (GRG)’s growing network of greenway paths throughout three counties.
The new 60-foot wide corridor will provide a safer and more attractive experience for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, vehicular drivers, and property owners. The project upgrades the poor condition of the roadway and its pavement markings, sidewalk, signals, lighting, signing and street trees, while creating an accessible corridor for all users.
The project connects to the new Brickline Greenway and MLS stadium at Market Street. This project has $5 million in federal funds committed for construction. This project supports the Project Connect Action Plan.
The design team held a preliminary plan open house on February 1, 2023. See below for the plans and materials that were presented at the open house, and take the survey to give us feedback on the plan.
Open House Station Descriptions
Links are to supporting materials available at each station.
Open House Station 1: Welcome/Check-In
Sign in! Register for the bike raffle, and learn about open house stations. Pick up your comment form.
Open House Station 2: Introduction / Project Overview
Become familiar with the project, including goals, schedule, and funding.
Open House Station 3: Project Benefits
Learn about how this project benefits the local neighborhoods & the City of St. Louis.
Open House Station 4: Corridor Maps
Design Details: Explore the project area by segment and ask questions.
Open House Station 5: Full Corridor Map
Explore the project area by segment with the opportunity to give input on how the proposed changes impact you.
Open House Station 6: Visual Enhancements
Provide input on how proposed changes make 20th Street beautiful.
Open House Station 7: Neighborhood Planning
Chat with representatives from neighboring projects and planning efforts including Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) and Project Connect.
Open House Station 8: Children’s Zone
Activities for children. We want to hear their thoughts, too!
Open House Station 9: Comments/Questions
Please be sure to leave your completed comment form or scan QR code and complete online, and ask any remaining questions you may have.
Take the Survey
We want your feedback! Please be sure to view all the supporting materials, then fill out this survey to provide your comments on the 20th Street Mobility Improvements Project plan.
Project Goals
- Increase safety and better serve pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, vehicular drivers and property owners
- Upgrade the poor condition of the roadway and its pavement markings, sidewalk, signals, lighting and signing
- Create an accessible corridor for all users
- Transfer the bicycle facility from North Jefferson Avenues and Parnell Street to 20th Street, and eliminating the on-street bicycle facility that currently exists
- Improve vehicular trip efficiency with new interconnected signals
- Support the existing community fabric of residents and businesses
- Assist in changing neighborhood perceptions through streetscape enhancements
- The project provides connections between GRG's proposed Brickline Greenway, the City's planned bicycle pathway ending at Market Street, and future/existing bicycle routes identified along Chestnut Street, Olive Street, Washington Avenue, and St. Louis Avenue.
The project bridges the gap between downtown and North St. Louis by creating a truly low-stress multimodal corridor that safely moves people.
If there are any questions or comments please contact:
R. Jay Rakers
Consultant Project Manager for SLDC