Infill Housing Design RFQ

Sponsor: St. Louis Development Corporation
Procurement Type: Request for Proposals  and or Qualifications

Starting Date: 06-28-2024

The City wishes to pilot innovative techniques such as modular construction, prefabrication, panelized construction, hybrid prefabrication systems, and 3D printing for the design-build and construction of 10 to 20 contemporary homes on a 3 to 5 acre site in the City of St. Louis. This RFQ is intended to enable City staff to qualify a subset of applicant teams to respond to a site-specific RFP in August.

Through this process, the City will prioritize the development of small attached and detached single-family homes, two to four-unit multifamily properties, and other “missing middle” housing types with lower per-unit construction costs. The review process will place an overall emphasis on the creation of affordable, quality, and climate-resilient units.


  1. Infill Housing Design-RFQ (794.18 KB)

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