Cortex/Tower Grove Bicycle Connector Project
The Cortex/Tower Grove Connector project is comprised of two phases designed to improve access to residences, parks, businesses, and schools around Tower Grove Park and the Grove Neighborhood.
Project Overview
Project Overview
The Cortex/Tower Grove Connector project is comprised of two phases designed to improve access to residences, parks, businesses, and schools around Tower Grove Park and the Grove Neighborhood. This project will encourage active transportation and enhance street-level activity throughtout the corridor through the incorporation of a two-way, protected bicycle track, pedestrian upgrades, and fiber optic connected traffic signals.
This project also includes stormwater improvements, ADA enhancements, new road striping, and landscape improvements. Additionally, this project will also enhance multimodal access to previously funded projects including the Cortex Metrolink Rail Station, and the Brickline segment linking the Cortex Metrolink station to the City Foundry.
Project Phase Status
Phase One is presently out of the design phase and is in construction contract bidding/rebidding
Phase Two is still in the design phase
Project Phase Start and End Dates
Phase One / Start Date - October 10, 2022 End Date - Ongoing
Phase Two / Start Date (Tentative Kick-Off) - April, 8, 2023 End Date - Ongoing