Massage Facility Requirements

Requirements for a massage facility to obtain a permit in the City of St. Louis

Operation of a massage facility shall be subject to the following requirements Per Ordinance 68327, Section Five:

  1. Hours
    The facility shall be closed and operations shall cease between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. each day.
  2. Separation of sexes
    It shall be unlawful for patrons of the opposite sex to receive a massage in the same room at the same time.
  3. Danger to safety, health
    No massage therapy shall be provided which in the opinion of the Health Department would impair the safety or health of any person and after such notice in writing to the licensee from such Health Department official.
  4. Alcoholic beverages
    No intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer, nor the consumption thereof, shall be permitted on any premises licensed pursuant to this Ordinance.
  5. Conduct on premises
    All persons holding a massage facility business license shall at all times be responsible for the conduct of business on the licensed premises and for any act or conduct of any massage therapist utilizing the facility that constitutes a violation of the provisions in this chapter. Any violation of city, state, or federal laws committed on the licensed premises by any such holder of a massage facility business license, holder of a massage therapist business license, or employee of the facility that affects the eligibility or suitability of such person to hold a license, may be grounds for suspension or revocation of the business license.
  6. Sanitation of premises
    All portions of a licensed facility, including appliances, shall be kept clean and operated in a sanitary condition.
  7. Sanitation of massage therapists and employees
    All massage therapists shall be clean and wear clean clothes. Provisions for a separate massage therapist/employee dressing room for each sex must be available on the premises with individual lockers for each massage therapist and employee. Doors to such dressing rooms shall be inward.
  8. Dress of massage therapists and employees
    All times all massage therapists and employees must be fully and modestly dressed in opaque attire that does not expose any sexual or genital areas.
  9. Dress of patrons
    The sexual and genital areas of a patron must be covered by towels, cloths or undergarments when the patron is in the presence of a massage therapist or employee. Any contact with a patron’s sexual or genital areas is strictly prohibited.
  10. Laundry
    All sheets and towels provided to patrons in massage facilities shall be cleaned and laundered after each use and stored in a sanitary manner.
  11. Cleaning premises
    Wet and dry heat rooms, shower compartments, and toilet rooms shall be thoroughly cleaned each day the facility is in operation. Bathtubs shall be thoroughly cleaned after each use.

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