St. Louis Named Most Fire-Safe City in Midwest

Tops Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, and Columbus

August 12, 2014 | 2 min reading time

This article is 11 years old. It was published on August 12, 2014.

St. Louis Fire Dept.  logo
Photo by Title: St. Louis Fire Department Logo
Source: has ranked the Midwest region's biggest metro areas by their residential fire risk, preparedness and response time to fires, and St. Louis has come in #1 as the most fire-safe city in the Midwest.

"No city is fire proof," wrote Samantha Alexander of in announcing the latest rankings, "but St. Louis comes pretty close."  St. Louis received high marks for having a high percentage of homes that have updated electrical and HVAC.  Also, 84.9% of households in St. Louis are smoke-free.

The full details of the report may be found at: . is part of the network of insurance websites owned and operated by  The online insurance company has partnered with the top-rated insurance companies in the country to offer comprehensive coverage for customers.



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