New Board Members Added to National Blues Museum Board

Music Museum Adds Prominent St. Louisans to its Ranks

February 4, 2013 | 2 min reading time

This article is 11 years old. It was published on February 4, 2013.

National Blues Museum logo
Photo by Title: Logo for the National Blues Museum that will be opening 2014 in Downtown St. Louis.

 The National Blues Museum (NBM) recently announced the addition of two new members to its board of directors -- Devon Allman and Jeff Babinski.

International touring/recording artist and St. Louis native Devon Allman is a guitarist and singer with the band Royal Southern Brotherhood.  Devon, of the legendary musical Allman family, is a 2013 Blues Music Award nominee and his album "Turquoise" is already gaining rave reviews worldwide. "Turquoise" is due to be released on Feb. 12, 2013.  

Jeff Babinski is the Vice President and General Manager of Lumiere Place Casino and Hotels in Downtown St. Louis.  Under his guidance, Lumiere Place has continued to be a significant contributor to regional charities and sponsor of many major public festivals.

In addition to Allman and Babinski, the National Blues Museum board of directors includes:  Robert J. Endicott, chairman' Bill Bayer, Vice President, US Bancorp Community Development Corporation; Dr. Henry Givens, retired President, Harris-Stowe State University; Barbara Hammerman, President of  Hammerman Philanthropic Partners; Sandra Moore, President of Urban Strategies, Inc.; Scott McCuaig, retired President of Stifel Nicolaus; Alexander Schoch, Executive VP & Chief Legal Officer, Peabody Energy Corp.; and Soren Schroder, CEO, Bunge North America.

The National Blues Museum will be a 23,000-square-foot educational and cultural attraction in Downtown St. Louis.  The museum will offer an interactive experience that includes a mix of artifacts and interactive exhibits that showcase the Blues as the foundation of modern American music.

Upon opening in 2014, NBM will feature a variety of onsite and in-classroom opportunities to explore the history of Blues music and its influence on rock and roll, hip hop, jazz, gospel, and R&B.  Public programs will feature intimate performances, lectures, screenings of documentaries and other files, and Q&A sessions with national artists and music industry professionals.

The National Blues Museum is organized as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Missouri corporation and is governed by a volunteer board of directors.  Located adjacent to the America's Center convention complex, the museum will be an anchor of the new Mercantile Exchange (MX) District and within walking distance of a variety of attractions including the Gateway Arch, Lumiere Place, and Busch Stadium.


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