Activating City Emergency Operations

The City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has four activation levels.

The City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has four activation levels. The list below describes the levels of activation from lowest to highest.

Level 4: Enhanced Watch 

Lowest EOC activation. Requires CEMA staff in support functions only, with specified partner agencies providing additional support from their headquarters.

Level 3: Partial Activation 

Moderate EOC activation. Requires city command staff and basic support functions, such as planning and logistics, and specified state agencies, depending on the incident.

Level 2: Full Activation

Full EOC activation. Requires city command staff, full emergency support function staffing, city agencies and regional-level partners, and necessary additional technical expertise. 

Level 1: Full City/State/Federal Response

 Maximum EOC activation. Requires city command staff, full staffing of all emergency support functions, city agencies, and regional-level partners, this may include integration of state and federal-level personnel to coordinate additional resources and support.

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