Building Energy Improvement Board
The Building Energy Improvement Board is a mayoral-appointed board that provides technical expertise to help buildings comply with the Building Energy Performance Standards ordinance.
The Building Energy Improvement Board provides technical expertise to help buildings 50,000 square feet and above comply with the Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) established by Ordinance No. 71132. The goal of the ordinance is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, drive energy efficiency improvements in buildings, and boost economic growth and job creation within the City of St Louis.
Meeting Materials
February 27, 2025 BEIB Meeting Materials
Agenda and minutes for Building Energy Improvement Board meeting held on February 27, 2025.
January 23, 2025 BEIB Meeting Materials
Agenda and minutes for Building Energy Improvement Board meeting held on January 23, 2025.
December 19, 2024 BEIB Meeting Materials
Agenda and minutes for Building Energy Improvement Board meeting held on December 19, 2024.
View all documents.
Upcoming Events
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BEPS Targets
The St. Louis Board of Aldermen unanimously passed and former Mayor Lyda Krewson signed into law the St. Louis’s Building Energy Performance Standard (BEPS) in May 2020.
After reviewing the comments from the Building Division’s 30+ day comment period, and taking them into consideration, the Building Energy Improvement Board (BEIB) has approved final BEPS targets.
Related Materials
Approved BEPS Chart
Chart for visualizing the BEPS target for each property type.
Approved BEPS Summary
BEPS targets by property type
BEPS Fact Sheet
High-level overview of the Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) ordinance.
Method for Grouping Property Types (BEPS)
Provides an explanation of the method used for setting our draft BEPS targets and the method for grouping property types.
STL BEPS Fact Sheet (2022-02-08)
Factsheet that explains the City's four BEPS compliance pathways for building owners.
It shall be the purpose of the Building Energy Improvement Board to conduct the following duties and functions:
- Establish and approve building energy performance standards by property type for each compliance cycle, as recommended by the Building Division.
- Review and, as necessary, recommend amendments to proposed regulations issued by the Building Division.
- Recommend complementary programs or policies.
- Review appeals regarding any action(s) taken due to this ordinance and the Building Energy Awareness Ordinance (#70474).
- Provide sample alternative compliance plans to meet building energy performance standards.
- Review recommendations from technical subcommittee on alternative compliance plans submitted and make recommendations for approval or denial.
- As requested by the Building Division, review and advise on whether to approve applications for extensions and exemptions related to building energy performance standard requirements. Such review shall be based on criteria outlined in sub-section C of Section SIX of the Ordinance.
- Establish a technical subcommittee.
Board Makeup
The Board shall consist of nine members appointed by the Mayor. At least six members of the Board shall be residents of the City of Saint Louis and three members shall be residents of the St. Louis region.
The Building Energy Improvement Board shall be comprised of representatives, or their designees, from the following, but not limited to, possible entities:
- Building Division
- local utilities
- a provider of energy efficiency or renewable energy services
- affordable and/or multi-family housing representative
- affordable housing tenant
- labor
- technical building design professional(s)
- environmental non-profit
- commercial building
- engineering
Board Members (updated 11/25/2024)
- Isa J. Al Musawi, St Louis Public Schools - Energy Analyst
- Christopher Bedell (Chair), Polsinelli - Associate
- Stephanie Co, Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc. – Senior Project Manager
- Brian DeCarlo, Building Division – Electrical Supervisor Assistant
- Crystal Gay, Spire – Supervisor, Pipeline Asset Management
- Mary Ann Lazarus (Vice-chair), Cameron Macallister Group - Principal Consultant
- Steven Sobo, Washington University School of Medicine - Executive Director of Strategic Projects
- Larry Vancil, BJC – Enterprise Director, BJC Facility Operations
- vacant
- vacant
- vacant
- vacant
- vacant
Term of Office
All appointments and subsequent appointments shall be for a term of 4 years and shall expire on the anniversary of the date of the original term, except appointments to fill vacancies which shall be for the unexpired term. Terms for first appointments will be staggered. Members whose appointed terms have expired shall be permitted to continue to serve until reappointed or replaced by a new appointee.
Technical Subcommittee
A technical sub-committee shall also be established and charged with reviewing and acting on alternative compliance plans and would consist of at least 80% of technical experts. Members of the technical subcommittee may also be members of the full Building Energy Improvement Board. The decision(s) of the subcommittee can be appealed to the full Building Energy Improvement Board.
Related Resources
St. Louis City Benchmarking Reporting Website
Privately owned buildings and municipal buildings in St. Louis that are 50,000 square feet or more are required to be benchmarked, and submit reporting for the first compliance deadline by May 1, annually