Chess Pocket Park

A local St. Louis community project.

Initiative: Land Lab

The Chess Pocket Park seeks to contribute to community sustainability through the development of a residential lot-sized Chess Pocket Park. The Chess Pocket Park will include several permanent chess tables, benches, and native plantings that create a positive, education-oriented gathering place in the community.
Playing chess is a tested way for young people to enhance their critical thinking skills, and to be part of a goal-oriented community that gives them the confidence needed to succeed in school. At the neighborhood level, building a community also has the potential to attract more families who want to live in a youth and education-oriented environment.
After months of hard work, the Chess Pocket Park is complete!

Project Scale: Neighborhood

Related Plan Sections: Urban Character, Vitality & Ecology; Arts, Culture & Innovation; Empowerment, Diversity & Equity; Education, Training & Leadership

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