Sustainability Toolkit
Ideas, examples, and how-to instructions for creating an exciting and innovative sustainability project in your neighborhood
The Toolkit and guide was developed in 2013-14 and some references may be outdated. We encourage users to leave us feedback on pages that have outdated resources and/or include more current examples.
Featured Projects
See what folks in the community have been working on.
Chess Pocket Park
The Chess Pocket Park seeks to contribute to community sustainability through the development of a residential lot-sized Chess Pocket Park. The Chess ... -
West End Biker’s Club
The West End Biker’s Club was a collaborative project with St. Vincent Greenway Inc., a community development corporation, and Positive Youth Affair, ... -
Confluence Academy South City Campus Renewal Project
Confluence Academy South City Campus Renewal Project, 3112 Meramec, St. Louis, MO 63118 Confluence Academy’s South City location serves students from...
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Browse our sustainability tools to learn more.
Arts, Culture & Innovation
Public art, events, history, sports, science, research -
Education, Training & Leadership
Environmental and eco-literacy, professional development, schools, training -
Empowerment, Diversity & Equity
Ethnicity, youth, seniors, life choices, LGBT, religion -
Health, Well-Being & Safety
Food, fitness, pedestrians, bikers, crime prevention, urban agriculture -
Infrastructure, Facility & Transportation
Transit, streets, waste, recycling, energy, water, walking, cycling, efficiency, green infrastructure -
Prosperity, Opportunity & Employment
Local businesses, marketing, branding, identity, neighborhood assets -
Urban Character, Vitality & Ecology
Food, landscape, preservation, vacant land, streets, buildings, parks, greenspace, neighborhoods
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